?list????? p=16F84???????????? ; list directive to define processor
?#i nclude
; '__CONFIG' directive is used to embed configuration data within .asm file.
; The lables following the directive are located in the respective .inc file.
; See respective data sheet for additional information on configuration word.
;********************** CONST DEFINITIONS******************************
FULL_WORK = 10? ; 程???㏄戳箇砞?
DEF_WORK1 = 2? ; PWM1??㏄戳箇砞?
DEF_WORK2 = 8? ; PWM2??㏄戳箇砞?
PORT_OUT = PORTB?????????? ; PWM塊?梆
PIN_PWM1 = 0?????????????? ; PWM1塊?竲?
PIN_PWM2 = 1?????????????? ; PWM2塊?竲?
;********************** VARIABLE DEFINITIONS***************************
?w_temp? ; variable used for context saving
?status_temp ; variable used for context saving
?PWM_FULL ; 程???㏄戳璸計竟(?計)
?PWM_WORK_CFG1 ; PWM1 ??㏄戳砞﹚既?竟
?PWM_WORK_CFG2 ; PWM2 ??㏄戳砞﹚既?竟
?PWM_WORK_CNT1 ; PWM1 ??㏄戳璸計竟(?計)
?PWM_WORK_CNT2 ; PWM2 ??㏄戳璸計竟(?計)
;******************????? 垂??竚?祘Α秈?翴?? ***********************
? ORG???? 0x000?? ; processor reset vector
??? goto??? main?? ; go to beginning of program
;******************????? い耞狝叭祘Α秈?翴?? *************************
? ORG???? 0x004?? ; interrupt vector location
? movwf?? w_temp?? ; save off current W register contents
? movf STATUS,w? ; move status register into W register
? movwf status_temp? ; save off contents of STATUS register
? bsf???? STATUS,RP0?
? bcf INTCON,T0IF? ; 睲埃璸?竟い耞篨腹
? bcf???? STATUS,RP0?
? decfsz PWM_FULL,F? ; 浪琩琌?ЧΘ??㏄戳
? goto ISR_PWM1
? bsf PORT_OUT,PIN_PWM1 ; PWM1/PWM2?確High筿?
? bsf PORT_OUT,PIN_PWM2??????
? movlw FULL_WORK?????????????? ; ?穝砞﹚???㏄戳璸計竟
? movwf PWM_FULL
? movf PWM_WORK_CFG1,W
? movwf PWM_WORK_CNT1
? movf PWM_WORK_CFG2,W
? movwf PWM_WORK_CNT2
? goto ISR_EXIT
? decfsz PWM_WORK_CNT1,F???????? ; 浪琩PWM1??㏄戳
? goto ISR_PWM2
? bcf PORT_OUT,PIN_PWM1?????? ; ??㏄戳擋??盢塊?砞?Low筿?
? decfsz PWM_WORK_CNT2,F???????? ; 浪琩PWM2??㏄戳
? goto ISR_EXIT
? bcf PORT_OUT,PIN_PWM2?????? ; ??㏄戳擋??盢塊?砞?Low筿?
? movf??? status_temp,w? ; retrieve copy of STATUS register
? movwf STATUS?? ; restore pre-isr STATUS register contents
? swapf?? w_temp,f
? swapf?? w_temp,w? ; restore pre-isr W register contents
? retfie??? ; return from interrupt
;******************????? ?﹍てPWM????? *******************************
? bsf???? STATUS,RP0? ; 砞﹚PWM1/PWM2竲?塊?
??????????????? bcf???? PORT_OUT,PIN_PWM1
??????????????? bcf???? PORT_OUT,PIN_PWM2
? bcf???? STATUS,RP0?
??????????????? bsf???? PORT_OUT,PIN_PWM1?????? ; 箇砞PWM1/PWM2塊?藹筿?
??????????????? bsf???? PORT_OUT,PIN_PWM2
? movlw FULL_WORK?????????????? ; 砞﹚?既?竟ぇ箇砞?
? movwf PWM_FULL
? movlw DEF_WORK1
? movwf PWM_WORK_CFG1
? movwf PWM_WORK_CNT1
? movlw DEF_WORK2
? movwf PWM_WORK_CFG2
? movwf PWM_WORK_CNT2
? retlw 0
;******************????? ?﹍て璸?竟?? *******************************
? bsf???? STATUS,RP0?
? bsf OPTION_REG,T0CS? ; 氨ゎ?歷竟?猧塊?
? bsf OPTION_REG,PSA? ; 砞﹚ぃㄏノ?猧箇埃竟
? bsf INTCON,GIE? ; ゴ秨?辦い耞秨閩(い耞羆秨閩)
? bcf INTCON,T0IF? ; 睲埃璸?竟い耞篨腹
? bcf???? STATUS,RP0?
? retlw 0
;******************????? 幣笆璸?竟???? *******************************
? bsf???? STATUS,RP0?
? bcf OPTION_REG,T0CS? ; 砞﹚?歷竟?猧塊?(1/4 osc)
? bsf INTCON,T0IE? ; ゴ秨璸?竟い耞
? bcf???? STATUS,RP0?
? retlw 0
;******************????? 氨ゎ璸?竟???? *******************************
? bsf???? STATUS,RP0?
? bsf OPTION_REG,T0CS? ; 氨ゎ?歷竟?猧塊?
? bcf INTCON,T0IE? ; 閩?璸?竟い耞
? bcf???? STATUS,RP0?
? retlw 0
;******************????? ?祘Α秈?翴?? *******************************
? bcf???? STATUS,RP0? ; select Page 0 for Port Access
? call InitPWM
? call InitTimer
? call StartTimer
? goto $
? END??? ; directive 'end of program'