Section 1 Introduction to SystemVerilog ..... 1
Section 2 Literal Values... 4
2.1 Introduction (informative) ..4
2.2 Literal value syntax.4
2.3 Integer and logic literals ..4
2.4 Real literals .5
2.5 Time literals 5
2.6 String literals5
2.7 Array literals 6
2.8 Structure literals .6
Section 3 Data Types.. 8
3.1 Introduction (informative) ..8
3.2 Data type syntax9
3.3 Integer data types ...10
3.4 Real and shortreal data types 11
3.5 Void data type .11
3.6 chandle data type ...11
3.7 String data type 12
3.8 Event data type16
3.9 User-defined types .16
3.10 Enumerations ..17
3.11 Structures and unions.....22
3.12 Class..26
3.13 Singular and aggregate types 27
3.14 Casting ......27
3.15 $cast dynamic casting ....28
3.16 Bit-stream casting ..29
Section 4 Arrays ....... 32
4.1 Introduction (informative) 32
4.2 Packed and unpacked arrays .32
4.3 Multiple dimensions ......33
4.4 Indexing and slicing of arrays.......34
4.5 Array querying functions ..35
4.6 Dynamic arrays 35
4.7 Array assignment ...37
4.8 Arrays as arguments......38
4.9 Associative arrays ..39
4.10 Associative array methods 41
4.11 Associative array assignment44
4.12 Associative array arguments .44
4.13 Associative array literals44
4.14 Queues ......45
4.15 Array manipulation methods 47
Section 5 Data Declarations . 52
5.1 Introduction (informative) 52
5.2 Data declaration syntax..52
5.3 Constants...52
5.4 Variables ...53
5.5 Scope and lifetime .54
5.6 Nets, regs, and logic.......55
5.7 Signal aliasing.56
5.8 Type compatibility .58
Section 6 Attributes.. 61
6.1 Introduction (informative) 61
6.2 Default attribute type .....61
Section 7 Operators and Expressions. 62
7.1 Introduction (informative) 62
7.2 Operator syntax.....62
7.3 Assignment operators ....62
7.4 Operations on logic and bit types .63
7.5 Wild equality and wild inequality.63
7.6 Real operators .64
7.7 Size....64
7.8 Sign ...64
7.9 Operator precedence and associativity .....64
7.10 Built-in methods ....65
7.11 Static Prefixes .66
7.12 Concatenation .67
7.13 Unpacked array expressions .67
7.14 Structure expressions .....68
7.15 Tagged union expressions and member access.70
7.16 Aggregate expressions ...71
7.17 Operator overloading .....72
7.18 Streaming operators (pack / unpack) 73
7.19 Conditional operator ......77
7.20 Set membership.....77
Section 8 Procedural Statements and Control Flow..... 79
8.1 Introduction (informative) 79
8.2 Statements .79
8.3 Blocking and nonblocking assignments ...80
8.4 Selection statements......81
8.5 Loop statements .....87
8.6 Jump statements....89
8.7 Final blocks89
8.8 Named blocks and statement labels .90
8.9 Disable ......90
8.10 Event control...91
8.11 Level-sensitive sequence controls 93
8.12 Procedural assign and deassign removal ..94
Section 9 Processes... 95
9.1 Introduction (informative) 95
9.2 Combinational logic.......95
9.3 Latched logic...96
9.4 Sequential logic.....96
9.5 Continuous assignments 96
9.6 fork...join...97
9.7 Process execution threads .98
9.8 Process control .98
9.9 Fine-grain process control ..100
Section 10 Tasks and Functions... 102
10.1 Introduction (informative) ..102
10.2 Tasks .......103
10.3 Functions.104
10.4 Task and function argument passing ......106
10.5 Import and export functions109
Section 11 Classes..... 111
11.1 Introduction (informative) ..111
11.2 Syntax .....112
11.3 Overview.113
11.4 Objects (class instance)113
11.5 Object properties.114
11.6 Object methods ....114
11.7 Constructors ..115
11.8 Static class properties...116
11.9 Static methods.....116
11.10 This .116
11.11 Assignment, re-naming and copying ......117
11.12 Inheritance and subclasses ..118
11.13 Overridden members....119
11.14 Super .......119
11.15 Casting ....120
11.16 Chaining constructors ..120
11.17 Data hiding and encapsulation ....121
11.18 Constant class properties 121
11.19 Abstract classes and virtual methods ......122
11.20 Polymorphism: dynamic method lookup123
11.21 Class scope resolution operator :: ..123
11.22 Out of block declarations 124
11.23 Parameterized classes ..125
11.24 Typedef class .126
11.25 Classes and structures ..126
11.26 Memory management ..127
Section 12 Random Constraints .. 128
12.1 Introduction (informative) ..128
12.2 Overview.128
12.3 Random variables 131
12.4 Constraint blocks .132
12.5 Randomization methods .145
12.6 In-line constraints — randomize() with..147
12.7 Disabling random variables with rand_mode() 148
12.8 Controlling constraints with constraint_mode() ..149
12.9 Dynamic constraint modification150
12.10 In-line random variable control ..150
12.11 Randomization of scope variables — std::randomize()151
12.12 Random number system functions and methods .153
12.13Random stability ..154
12.14 Manually seeding randomize ......156
12.15 Random weighted case — randcase .......157
12.16 Random sequence generation — randsequence158
Section 13 Interprocess Synchronization and Communication. 166
13.1 Introduction (informative) ..166
13.2 Semaphores ...166
13.3 Mailboxes167
13.4 Parameterized mailboxes 170
13.5 Event .......171
13.6 Event sequencing: wait_order() ..172
13.7 Event variables....173
Section 14 Scheduling Semantics. 176
14.1 Execution of a hardware model and its verification environment ....176
14.2 Event simulation ..176
14.3 The stratified event scheduler .....176
14.4 The PLI callback control points..180
Section 15 Clocking Blocks .. 181
15.1 Introduction (informative) ..181
15.2 Clocking block declaration .181
15.3 Input and output skews 183
15.4 Hierarchical expressions .184
15.5 Signals in multiple clocking blocks 185
15.6 Clocking block scope and lifetime.185
15.7 Multiple clocking blocks example .185
15.8 Interfaces and clocking blocks....186
15.9 Clocking block events..187
15.10 Cycle delay: ## ....187
15.11 Default clocking..188
15.12 Input sampling .....189
15.13 Synchronous events .....189
15.14 Synchronous drives......190
Section 16 Program Block... 193
16.1 Introduction (informative) ..193
16.2 The program construct .193
16.3 Multiple programs.......195
16.4 Eliminating testbench races 195
16.5 Blocking tasks in cycle/event mode196
16.6 Program control tasks ..196
Section 17 Assertions .... 198
17.1 Introduction (informative) ..198
17.2 Immediate assertions....198
17.3 Concurrent assertions overview..200
17.4 Boolean expressions ....201
17.5 Sequences203
17.6 Declaring sequences ....206
17.7 Sequence operations ....208
17.8 Manipulating data in a sequence.224
17.9 Calling subroutines on match of a sequence...228
17.10 System functions.229
17.11 Declaring properties.....229
17.12 Multiple clock support .240
17.13 Concurrent assertions...246
17.14 Clock resolution ...252
17.15 Binding properties to scopes or instances.......258
17.16 The expect statement ...259
Section 18 Hierarchy 261
18.1 Introduction (informative) ..261
18.2 Packages..261
18.3 Compilation unit support 265
18.4 Top-level instance.......266
18.5 Module declarations....267
18.6 Nested modules...267
18.7 Extern modules ....269
18.8 Port declarations ..270
18.9 List of port expressions271
18.10 Time unit and precision ..271
18.11 Module instances .272
18.12 Port connection rules ...276
18.13 Name spaces .277
18.14 Hierarchical names ......278
Section 19 Interfaces? 279
19.1 Introduction (informative) ..279
19.2 Interface syntax...280
19.3 Ports in interfaces284
19.4 Modports .285
19.5 Interfaces and specify blocks ......291
19.6 Tasks and functions in interfaces291
19.7 Parameterized interfaces .297
19.8 Virtual interfaces.299
19.9 Access to interface objects..303
Section 20 Coverage. 305
20.1 Introduction (informative) ..305
20.2 Defining the coverage model: covergroup......306
20.3 Using covergroup in classes .......308
20.4 Defining coverage points 309
20.5 Defining cross coverage..315
20.6 Specifying coverage options .......319
20.7 Predefined coverage methods .....324
20.8 Predefined coverage system tasks and functions .324
20.9 Organization of option and type_option members .......324
Section 21 Parameters ... 326
21.1 Introduction (informative) ..326
21.2 Parameter declaration syntax ......327
Section 22 Configuration Libraries 330
22.1 Introduction (informative) ..330
22.2 Libraries ..330
Section 23 System Tasks and System Functions ... 331
23.1 Introduction (informative) ..331
23.2 Elaboration-time typeof function331
23.3 Typename function ......331
23.4 Expression size system function .332
23.5 Range system function.333
23.6 Shortreal conversions...333
23.7 Array querying system functions 334
23.8 Assertion severity system tasks ..335
23.9 Assertion control system tasks....336
23.10 Assertion system functions .336
23.11 Random number system functions.337
23.12 Program control ...337
23.13 Coverage system functions .337
23.14 Enhancements to Verilog-2001 system tasks .337
23.15 $readmemb and $readmemh.......338
23.16 $writememb and $writememh ....338
23.17 File format considerations for multi-dimensional unpacked arrays .339
23.18 System task arguments for multi-dimensional unpacked arrays 340
Section 24 VCD Data? 342
Section 25 Compiler Directives.... 343
25.1 Introduction (informative) ..343
25.2 ‘define macros.....343
25.3 `include ...344
Section 26 Features under consideration for removal from SystemVerilog? 345
26.1 Introduction (informative) ..345
26.2 Defparam statements....345
26.3 Procedural assign and deassign statements.....345
Section 27 Direct Programming Interface (DPI) .. 347
27.1 Overview.347
27.2 Two layers of the DPI ..348
27.3 Global name space of imported and exported functions.......349
27.4 Imported tasks and functions ......349
27.5 Calling imported functions .355
27.6 Exported functions .......356
27.7 Exported tasks.....357
27.8 Disabling DPI tasks and functions.357
Section 28 SystemVerilog Assertion API ... 359
28.1 Requirements .359
28.2 Extensions to VPI enumerations.359
28.3 Static information 360
28.4 Dynamic information ...363
28.5 Control functions .366
Section 29 SystemVerilog Coverage API ... 368
29.1 Requirements .368
29.2 SystemVerilog real-time coverage access ......369
29.3 FSM recognition ..374
29.4 VPI coverage extensions.377
Section 30 SystemVerilog Data Read API . 381
30.1 Introduction (informative) ..381
30.2 Requirements .381
30.3 Extensions to VPI enumerations.382
30.4 VPI object type additions383
30.5 Object model diagrams 385
30.6 Usage extensions to VPI routines ..387
30.7 VPI routines added in SystemVerilog ....388
30.8 Reading data .389
30.9 Optionally unloading the data.....399
30.10 Reading data from multiple databases and/or different read library providers .......399
30.11VPI routines extended in SystemVerilog402
30.12VPI routines added in SystemVerilog ....403
Section 31 SystemVerilog VPI Object Model 407
31.1 Introduction (informative) ..407
31.2 Instance ..409
31.3 Interface .410
31.4 Program...410
31.5 Module (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.1) .411
31.6 Modport .412
31.7 Interface tf decl ....412
31.8 Ports (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.5) ....413
31.9 Ref Obj....414
31.10 Variables (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 section 26.6.8) ......416
31.11 Var Select (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.8).418
31.12 Typespec .419
31.13 Variable Drivers and Loads (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.23) 421
31.14 Instance Arrays (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.2) .421
31.15 Scope (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.3) ..422
31.16 IO Declaration (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.4) ..423
31.17 Clocking Block ...424
31.18 Class Object Definition425
31.19 Constraint, constraint ordering, distribution, ..426
31.20 Constraint expression...427
31.21 Class Variables ...428
31.23 Named Events (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.11) .430
31.24 Task, Function Declaration (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.18).431
31.25 Alias Statement ...432
31.26 Frames (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.20).433
31.27 Threads....434
31.28 tf call (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.19) .435
31.29 Module path, path term (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.15) 436
31.30 Concurrent assertions ..437
31.31 Property Decl 437
31.32 Property Specification .438
31.33 Multiclock Sequence Expression ..439
31.34 Sequence Declaration .440
31.35 Sequence Expression ..441
31.36 Attribute (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.42) 442
31.37 Atomic Statement (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27) ..443
31.38 If, if else, return, case, do while (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.35, 26.6.36)...444
31.39 waits, disables, expect, foreach (supersedes IEEE 1364 26.6.38) ....445
31.40 Simple expressions (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.25) .446
31.41 Expressions (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.26) .....447
31.42 Event control (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.30)...448
31.43 Event stmt (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27) ......448
31.44 Process (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27) ..449
31.45 Assignment (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.28) ....449
Annex A Formal Syntax..... 451
Annex B Keywords . 488
Annex C Std Package .. 490
Annex D Linked Lists.. 492
Annex E DPI C-layer ... 498
Annex F Include files ... 523
Annex G Inclusion of Foreign Language Code .... 529
Annex H Formal Semantics of Concurrent Assertions . 533
Annex I sv_vpi_user.h. 544
Annex J Glossary ... 553
Annex K Bibliography.. 555
Index 557
Section 2 Literal Values... 4
2.1 Introduction (informative) ..4
2.2 Literal value syntax.4
2.3 Integer and logic literals ..4
2.4 Real literals .5
2.5 Time literals 5
2.6 String literals5
2.7 Array literals 6
2.8 Structure literals .6
Section 3 Data Types.. 8
3.1 Introduction (informative) ..8
3.2 Data type syntax9
3.3 Integer data types ...10
3.4 Real and shortreal data types 11
3.5 Void data type .11
3.6 chandle data type ...11
3.7 String data type 12
3.8 Event data type16
3.9 User-defined types .16
3.10 Enumerations ..17
3.11 Structures and unions.....22
3.12 Class..26
3.13 Singular and aggregate types 27
3.14 Casting ......27
3.15 $cast dynamic casting ....28
3.16 Bit-stream casting ..29
Section 4 Arrays ....... 32
4.1 Introduction (informative) 32
4.2 Packed and unpacked arrays .32
4.3 Multiple dimensions ......33
4.4 Indexing and slicing of arrays.......34
4.5 Array querying functions ..35
4.6 Dynamic arrays 35
4.7 Array assignment ...37
4.8 Arrays as arguments......38
4.9 Associative arrays ..39
4.10 Associative array methods 41
4.11 Associative array assignment44
4.12 Associative array arguments .44
4.13 Associative array literals44
4.14 Queues ......45
4.15 Array manipulation methods 47
Section 5 Data Declarations . 52
5.1 Introduction (informative) 52
5.2 Data declaration syntax..52
5.3 Constants...52
5.4 Variables ...53
5.5 Scope and lifetime .54
5.6 Nets, regs, and logic.......55
5.7 Signal aliasing.56
5.8 Type compatibility .58
Section 6 Attributes.. 61
6.1 Introduction (informative) 61
6.2 Default attribute type .....61
Section 7 Operators and Expressions. 62
7.1 Introduction (informative) 62
7.2 Operator syntax.....62
7.3 Assignment operators ....62
7.4 Operations on logic and bit types .63
7.5 Wild equality and wild inequality.63
7.6 Real operators .64
7.7 Size....64
7.8 Sign ...64
7.9 Operator precedence and associativity .....64
7.10 Built-in methods ....65
7.11 Static Prefixes .66
7.12 Concatenation .67
7.13 Unpacked array expressions .67
7.14 Structure expressions .....68
7.15 Tagged union expressions and member access.70
7.16 Aggregate expressions ...71
7.17 Operator overloading .....72
7.18 Streaming operators (pack / unpack) 73
7.19 Conditional operator ......77
7.20 Set membership.....77
Section 8 Procedural Statements and Control Flow..... 79
8.1 Introduction (informative) 79
8.2 Statements .79
8.3 Blocking and nonblocking assignments ...80
8.4 Selection statements......81
8.5 Loop statements .....87
8.6 Jump statements....89
8.7 Final blocks89
8.8 Named blocks and statement labels .90
8.9 Disable ......90
8.10 Event control...91
8.11 Level-sensitive sequence controls 93
8.12 Procedural assign and deassign removal ..94
Section 9 Processes... 95
9.1 Introduction (informative) 95
9.2 Combinational logic.......95
9.3 Latched logic...96
9.4 Sequential logic.....96
9.5 Continuous assignments 96
9.6 fork...join...97
9.7 Process execution threads .98
9.8 Process control .98
9.9 Fine-grain process control ..100
Section 10 Tasks and Functions... 102
10.1 Introduction (informative) ..102
10.2 Tasks .......103
10.3 Functions.104
10.4 Task and function argument passing ......106
10.5 Import and export functions109
Section 11 Classes..... 111
11.1 Introduction (informative) ..111
11.2 Syntax .....112
11.3 Overview.113
11.4 Objects (class instance)113
11.5 Object properties.114
11.6 Object methods ....114
11.7 Constructors ..115
11.8 Static class properties...116
11.9 Static methods.....116
11.10 This .116
11.11 Assignment, re-naming and copying ......117
11.12 Inheritance and subclasses ..118
11.13 Overridden members....119
11.14 Super .......119
11.15 Casting ....120
11.16 Chaining constructors ..120
11.17 Data hiding and encapsulation ....121
11.18 Constant class properties 121
11.19 Abstract classes and virtual methods ......122
11.20 Polymorphism: dynamic method lookup123
11.21 Class scope resolution operator :: ..123
11.22 Out of block declarations 124
11.23 Parameterized classes ..125
11.24 Typedef class .126
11.25 Classes and structures ..126
11.26 Memory management ..127
Section 12 Random Constraints .. 128
12.1 Introduction (informative) ..128
12.2 Overview.128
12.3 Random variables 131
12.4 Constraint blocks .132
12.5 Randomization methods .145
12.6 In-line constraints — randomize() with..147
12.7 Disabling random variables with rand_mode() 148
12.8 Controlling constraints with constraint_mode() ..149
12.9 Dynamic constraint modification150
12.10 In-line random variable control ..150
12.11 Randomization of scope variables — std::randomize()151
12.12 Random number system functions and methods .153
12.13Random stability ..154
12.14 Manually seeding randomize ......156
12.15 Random weighted case — randcase .......157
12.16 Random sequence generation — randsequence158
Section 13 Interprocess Synchronization and Communication. 166
13.1 Introduction (informative) ..166
13.2 Semaphores ...166
13.3 Mailboxes167
13.4 Parameterized mailboxes 170
13.5 Event .......171
13.6 Event sequencing: wait_order() ..172
13.7 Event variables....173
Section 14 Scheduling Semantics. 176
14.1 Execution of a hardware model and its verification environment ....176
14.2 Event simulation ..176
14.3 The stratified event scheduler .....176
14.4 The PLI callback control points..180
Section 15 Clocking Blocks .. 181
15.1 Introduction (informative) ..181
15.2 Clocking block declaration .181
15.3 Input and output skews 183
15.4 Hierarchical expressions .184
15.5 Signals in multiple clocking blocks 185
15.6 Clocking block scope and lifetime.185
15.7 Multiple clocking blocks example .185
15.8 Interfaces and clocking blocks....186
15.9 Clocking block events..187
15.10 Cycle delay: ## ....187
15.11 Default clocking..188
15.12 Input sampling .....189
15.13 Synchronous events .....189
15.14 Synchronous drives......190
Section 16 Program Block... 193
16.1 Introduction (informative) ..193
16.2 The program construct .193
16.3 Multiple programs.......195
16.4 Eliminating testbench races 195
16.5 Blocking tasks in cycle/event mode196
16.6 Program control tasks ..196
Section 17 Assertions .... 198
17.1 Introduction (informative) ..198
17.2 Immediate assertions....198
17.3 Concurrent assertions overview..200
17.4 Boolean expressions ....201
17.5 Sequences203
17.6 Declaring sequences ....206
17.7 Sequence operations ....208
17.8 Manipulating data in a sequence.224
17.9 Calling subroutines on match of a sequence...228
17.10 System functions.229
17.11 Declaring properties.....229
17.12 Multiple clock support .240
17.13 Concurrent assertions...246
17.14 Clock resolution ...252
17.15 Binding properties to scopes or instances.......258
17.16 The expect statement ...259
Section 18 Hierarchy 261
18.1 Introduction (informative) ..261
18.2 Packages..261
18.3 Compilation unit support 265
18.4 Top-level instance.......266
18.5 Module declarations....267
18.6 Nested modules...267
18.7 Extern modules ....269
18.8 Port declarations ..270
18.9 List of port expressions271
18.10 Time unit and precision ..271
18.11 Module instances .272
18.12 Port connection rules ...276
18.13 Name spaces .277
18.14 Hierarchical names ......278
Section 19 Interfaces? 279
19.1 Introduction (informative) ..279
19.2 Interface syntax...280
19.3 Ports in interfaces284
19.4 Modports .285
19.5 Interfaces and specify blocks ......291
19.6 Tasks and functions in interfaces291
19.7 Parameterized interfaces .297
19.8 Virtual interfaces.299
19.9 Access to interface objects..303
Section 20 Coverage. 305
20.1 Introduction (informative) ..305
20.2 Defining the coverage model: covergroup......306
20.3 Using covergroup in classes .......308
20.4 Defining coverage points 309
20.5 Defining cross coverage..315
20.6 Specifying coverage options .......319
20.7 Predefined coverage methods .....324
20.8 Predefined coverage system tasks and functions .324
20.9 Organization of option and type_option members .......324
Section 21 Parameters ... 326
21.1 Introduction (informative) ..326
21.2 Parameter declaration syntax ......327
Section 22 Configuration Libraries 330
22.1 Introduction (informative) ..330
22.2 Libraries ..330
Section 23 System Tasks and System Functions ... 331
23.1 Introduction (informative) ..331
23.2 Elaboration-time typeof function331
23.3 Typename function ......331
23.4 Expression size system function .332
23.5 Range system function.333
23.6 Shortreal conversions...333
23.7 Array querying system functions 334
23.8 Assertion severity system tasks ..335
23.9 Assertion control system tasks....336
23.10 Assertion system functions .336
23.11 Random number system functions.337
23.12 Program control ...337
23.13 Coverage system functions .337
23.14 Enhancements to Verilog-2001 system tasks .337
23.15 $readmemb and $readmemh.......338
23.16 $writememb and $writememh ....338
23.17 File format considerations for multi-dimensional unpacked arrays .339
23.18 System task arguments for multi-dimensional unpacked arrays 340
Section 24 VCD Data? 342
Section 25 Compiler Directives.... 343
25.1 Introduction (informative) ..343
25.2 ‘define macros.....343
25.3 `include ...344
Section 26 Features under consideration for removal from SystemVerilog? 345
26.1 Introduction (informative) ..345
26.2 Defparam statements....345
26.3 Procedural assign and deassign statements.....345
Section 27 Direct Programming Interface (DPI) .. 347
27.1 Overview.347
27.2 Two layers of the DPI ..348
27.3 Global name space of imported and exported functions.......349
27.4 Imported tasks and functions ......349
27.5 Calling imported functions .355
27.6 Exported functions .......356
27.7 Exported tasks.....357
27.8 Disabling DPI tasks and functions.357
Section 28 SystemVerilog Assertion API ... 359
28.1 Requirements .359
28.2 Extensions to VPI enumerations.359
28.3 Static information 360
28.4 Dynamic information ...363
28.5 Control functions .366
Section 29 SystemVerilog Coverage API ... 368
29.1 Requirements .368
29.2 SystemVerilog real-time coverage access ......369
29.3 FSM recognition ..374
29.4 VPI coverage extensions.377
Section 30 SystemVerilog Data Read API . 381
30.1 Introduction (informative) ..381
30.2 Requirements .381
30.3 Extensions to VPI enumerations.382
30.4 VPI object type additions383
30.5 Object model diagrams 385
30.6 Usage extensions to VPI routines ..387
30.7 VPI routines added in SystemVerilog ....388
30.8 Reading data .389
30.9 Optionally unloading the data.....399
30.10 Reading data from multiple databases and/or different read library providers .......399
30.11VPI routines extended in SystemVerilog402
30.12VPI routines added in SystemVerilog ....403
Section 31 SystemVerilog VPI Object Model 407
31.1 Introduction (informative) ..407
31.2 Instance ..409
31.3 Interface .410
31.4 Program...410
31.5 Module (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.1) .411
31.6 Modport .412
31.7 Interface tf decl ....412
31.8 Ports (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.5) ....413
31.9 Ref Obj....414
31.10 Variables (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 section 26.6.8) ......416
31.11 Var Select (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.8).418
31.12 Typespec .419
31.13 Variable Drivers and Loads (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.23) 421
31.14 Instance Arrays (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.2) .421
31.15 Scope (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.3) ..422
31.16 IO Declaration (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.4) ..423
31.17 Clocking Block ...424
31.18 Class Object Definition425
31.19 Constraint, constraint ordering, distribution, ..426
31.20 Constraint expression...427
31.21 Class Variables ...428
31.23 Named Events (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.11) .430
31.24 Task, Function Declaration (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.18).431
31.25 Alias Statement ...432
31.26 Frames (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.20).433
31.27 Threads....434
31.28 tf call (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.19) .435
31.29 Module path, path term (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.15) 436
31.30 Concurrent assertions ..437
31.31 Property Decl 437
31.32 Property Specification .438
31.33 Multiclock Sequence Expression ..439
31.34 Sequence Declaration .440
31.35 Sequence Expression ..441
31.36 Attribute (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.42) 442
31.37 Atomic Statement (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27) ..443
31.38 If, if else, return, case, do while (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.35, 26.6.36)...444
31.39 waits, disables, expect, foreach (supersedes IEEE 1364 26.6.38) ....445
31.40 Simple expressions (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.25) .446
31.41 Expressions (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.26) .....447
31.42 Event control (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.30)...448
31.43 Event stmt (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27) ......448
31.44 Process (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27) ..449
31.45 Assignment (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.28) ....449
Annex A Formal Syntax..... 451
Annex B Keywords . 488
Annex C Std Package .. 490
Annex D Linked Lists.. 492
Annex E DPI C-layer ... 498
Annex F Include files ... 523
Annex G Inclusion of Foreign Language Code .... 529
Annex H Formal Semantics of Concurrent Assertions . 533
Annex I sv_vpi_user.h. 544
Annex J Glossary ... 553
Annex K Bibliography.. 555
Index 557
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